Best Ways To Spend Your 13th Month Pay

It’s Christmas time! 🙂 The happiest and most awaited season for employees. Why? Because this is the time where Filipino employees receive their 13th month pay and Christmas bonuses.

For most people, their 13th month pay disappear in just a blink of an eye as if nothing happens. One major reason is because they get overwhelmed with the amount (who doesn’t) and then failed to plan their expenses. I can relate with them… I remember how excited I was and not able to strategize to manage my expenses. The result? I lost track of everything I received.

Maybe you are reading this article because you already received your 13th month bonus and now thinking of better ways to spend it. Congratulations! Let’s start our journey of being more responsible with our finances.

Let me share with you some tips that I have learned on how to wisely manage those bonuses!




Clear Your Debts

Imagine the feeling of celebrating Christmas and New Year being debt-free? That can be the best motivation towards a greater life. So, have at least a part of your 13th month bonus cut down (if not eliminate) your debts. Make your New Year and Christmas merrier!

Save and Invest

I know! The struggle is real. But discipline is the key. It is better to put at least 20% of your 13th month bonus on savings and investments like stock market, business, emergency funds, health card or mutual funds.

If you are planning to invest in the stock market, that’s a good idea. Maybe this is the best time for you. Educate yourself financially, read some books about investments, attend seminars, and ask help from experts like the Truly Rich Club.  To know more about this, read my blog about How Stock Market Investing Made Easy For Me or simply send me a message.

Manage Your Expenses

After working so hard, of course you deserve  to enjoy its fruits! But warning, be mindful on spending your money. Divide your 13th month bonus wisely with your expenses. Plan on how much you will spend for christmas parties, gifts, and family treats  for christmas and new year  celebrations.

Sales and Promos are also up in this season so it is really tempting to spend all your 13th month bonus on these things. Always think twice. Have yourself a list of “to-buy’s” so you would not rush and buy the things that are not on your budget.  Manage your expenses well.

Share Your Blessings

Save at least 10% of your 13th month bonus for tithing. Give back to God. Share for church and its ministries. Maybe you can also donate on charities like orphanages and communities that are in need. You’ll enjoy your Christmas and your bonus by sharing to others and by giving back to God.


There you have it! Don’t put your eggs in just one basket. There are many ways to wisely spend and manage your money.  Let’s be blessed on our journey to life and financial freedom! 🙂


Stories to share? Interested to learn more about this? Let’s do it!

Post a comment below or simply fill up my Contact Form.


WordPress: A site and blog creation tool



So you want to create a website and start a blog? No need to worry if you don’t have any coding or design skills! WordPress, one of the most popular site and blog creation and management tool, will help you with this.

It’s easy to build your website without writing a single line of code or knowing anything about HTML with WordPress. There are also free site designs or themes to choose from and all you have to do is to select and customize the way you want your site be presented. With WordPress you are also free to choose to have a free site or have a hosted website. I can say that WordPress  is easy to use and is a helpful tool for beginners and aspiring bloggers.

Let’s explore, connect and share ideas with WordPress!

Hootsuite: A Tool for Social Media Management

everything you need comes to you
Hootsuite is a social media management platform that enables users who want to drive more value from social media activities to publish updates and track activity and campaign results across multiple social networks including Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Facebook.
If you are a social media manager, this tool would be helpful for you. Track your client’s or brand’s social networks with Hootsuite’s scheduling and assignment tools. This easily track and monitor keywords and mentions, and measure and analyze social media traffic with the comprehensive social analytics modules. You will save more time because you can manage your social networks in just one secure web and mobile dashboard.

Hootsuite comes with three plans depending on your needs, you can try it for free.

Let’s explore Hootsuite!